Dutch Foundation

Sjaak van Dorst – chairman

Sjaak van Dorst – chairman

Margreet was once the teacher of our son Thijs and I was her general practitioner. When Margreet told me about her final departure to Ghana, I decided to support her. The plan building a Special school plan has become a reality. I was previously in Ghana, a beautiful country with so many friendly people, a warm country.

Ria Carpaij – secretary.

Sister of Margreet. I think it's a wonderful plan to give children who are actually outside of life the opportunity to develop as well as they can. I am convinced that with the energetic approach and enthusiastic commitment of Margreet, this project will be a success and will grow in the future.

Karin Cox – treasurer

Margreet has been my best and most loyal friend for over 45 years. Her mission to bring children who are living at the edge of life, from the dark into the light, I do admire, and I want to support that. I think it is important that she does this together with all the stakeholders; it's also their project. The drive, and enthusiasm of Margreet and the members of Lumen Mundi Ghana are inimitable.

Bert Carpaij - general board member

Nephew of Margreet. For years connected to the same school, Candea College Duiven, and therefore also a bit married to it. For about 35 years as a teacher I was involved in all kinds of 'Ghana fundraisers' of the students, for various projects - especially for their peers. I have visited For me a great opportunity to visit Ghana a number of times.

Jiri Makkes - general board member

Former colleague and friend of Margreet. I am convinced of Margreet's knowledge and enthusiasm. I look with pride at the steps that have already been taken for this special group of children. By doing the project in collaboration with the environment, parents, and professionals, it gets extra value and will be successful.

Plan Lumen Mundi Foundation 2022-2025



The Lumen Mundi Foundation aims to support the sister foundation in Ghana, the Lumen Mundi Foundation, financially and materially in offering care and development opportunities to children with mental and/or physical disabilities. The Foundation considers it very important that these children are given a chance to develop, so that they can be part of the community, lead a dignified existence and, if possible, provide for their own contribution to their livelihood.

The Lumen Mundi Foundation was founded by Margreet Carpaij, together with Sinieinsi Chief Afulang's chief, Richard Amoak S. Asumbisa and Kojo Mahama. Margreet lives in Ghana and is the driving force behind the Lumen Mundi project. This project firstly involves building a two-class school in Siniensi, located in the Builsa District in the Upper East Region of Ghana. Then appoint staff, acquire students. Sufficient money is needed to care for the children and to learn as much as possible, to pay for personnel and materials and to maintain the buildings. The Foundation will thus become independent of Dutch funds.

The Foundation wants to support the Ghanaian Lumen Mundi Foundation for 15 years eventually. Due to the good and frequent contact with Margreet, current and reliable information is always available and there is also a short line to the donors of the Foundation.

For the next 3 years, the Foundation aims to acquire an annual amount of 20,000 euros by:

    In a general sense, to publicize both the Lumen Mundi Foundation and the sister foundation Lumen Mundi Foundation in the Netherlands. Giving presentations for schools, associations, churches, etc. Writing to existing and recruiting new donors. crowdfunding. Liaise with companies to obtain materials and/or funds. Writing to equity funds and other support funds. To provide information through newsletters and other means of communication, such as the website www.lumenmundi.nl, Facebook and Instagram. Sale at markets and fairs of objects made by the children in Ghana and of second-hand items. Organizing campaigns and involving De Wilde Ganzen if possible. Make contact with various training institutes in the Netherlands to prepare internships at Lumen Mundi in Ghana (such as pedagogical academies, training for physiotherapy, training for Z-nurses, training for occupational therapy).
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