The kids

The kids.

We cannot tell you much about the children who will start at the Lumen Mundi school.

It is certain that 3 children will come: Keep an eye on this page. As soon as we know for sure that more children will come, you will find them here.


Gilbert is a very cheerful boy. He doesn't go to school because he can't walk, can't talk, and is a little spastic. But he enjoys life! In the house he has an old wheelchair. He can often be found at the market with his mother, where he plays with other children and enjoys playing with inflated plastic bags. 

Now he is at the Lumen Mundi school. He seems to be normally gifted and is very motivated to learn! It's a big vice and always up for a joke!


I also talked to Alvin's mother. Alvin sat on the floor playing with a lid. He can't walk and not talk but laugh like the best. His mother asked me if he could also go to school and immediately said that he could not ..... he cannot eat independently. 

Then we're going to feed him, I explained. Alvin can go to school in Siniensi! The moment he heard that he could also go to school, he started to laugh!  And every time we said the word school or uniform afterwards, he started again!


Dora is a girl with Down syndrome. I've known her for a long time: I met her in 2012. Sitting on the porch of her school. Ghana hardly knows special education. And all children have to go to the same type of school: inclusive education. That is already very difficult in the Netherlands, but imagine a class of 100 students, with hardly any material. That is a real impossibility! 

Dora will soon be going to the Lumen Mundi school. We applied for the transfer through the Special Needs Officer who works at Ghana Education Service.

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