Mission and vision

Vision and mission


EVERY child is unique, every child is meaningful, every child has the right to develop and the right to a future.



The aim is to teach children between the ages of 4 and 18 who have a disability to deal with their disability as well as possible and to develop themselves, so that they can be as self-reliant as possible. This boosts their self-esteem and confidence. Attention is paid to individual needs and potential, so that they can possibly (partly) provide for their livelihood in the future. The Lumen Mundi school is not a school with a certain philosophy, everyone is welcome.


In addition to supporting the parents with regard to handling, acceptance and development of the child, work is also being done on acceptance by the living environment. There is contact with regular schools to allow children with only a physical disability to progress. In the future there will also be housing for the children for the school week or for a longer continuous period.


The aim is for the school to eventually become self-sufficient. To this end, various ways of generating income are being considered: a contribution from the parents; sale of things made by the children; raising funds; a fee for participation in workshops; growing fruits and vegetables; breeding fish and keeping (poultry) livestock. The advantage of the last three is: they provide work and learning opportunities for the children and the products are for personal use as well as for sale. Furthermore, the Lumen Mundi Foundation will provide financial support in the Netherlands for the first time.

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